Salted Peanuts Domestic production

The production of salted peanuts has been done in the north of the country for many years. One of the largest producers of salted and roasted peanuts in Iran is our company, which with an annual production of more than twenty types of peanuts is able to supply the peanuts you want in bulk. Iranian peanuts have a better taste than foreign products and its sale among oil sellers sellers has favorable conditions. The sale of cheap and high quality peanuts in the north of the country is more prosperous than other parts of the country. Bulk salted peanuts, after processing and flavoring, is widely offered in peanut distribution centers in our country and delivered to consumers.

Salted Peanuts Domestic production

Are salted peanuts good for you?

Are salted peanuts good for you? As mentioned earlier, salted peanuts nutrition are high in protein, vitamins, and nutrients. In the following, we will examine some salted peanuts benefits.

  • Lower blood cholesterol: Peanuts have the same composition as cholesterol. It is called phytosterol and is only structurally similar to cholesterol. With this feature, you will no longer have to worry about your blood cholesterol and you will not need to use different chemical drugs to lower your blood cholesterol.
  • Cancer prevention: Today, unfortunately, the incidence of cancer has increased for various reasons, and many people are looking for a way to prevent this disease. One of the beneficial substances that can greatly prevent this disease is peanuts. Peanuts reduce the risk of cancer due to their richness in vitamins, unsaturated fats and certain minerals, as well as providing the body with the energy it needs to perform daily activities. So take the importance of eating peanuts seriously and do not neglect to eat it.
  • Relieve depression: Many people now suffer from depression due to various worries, pressures and tensions. These people will still suffer from the side effects of these drugs if they are treated with pills and sedatives. As you know, depression is caused by a decrease in serotonin secretion. Peanuts are high in tryptophan, which, when consumed, is converted by the body to serotonin. This means that by consuming almonds or peanut butter, you can fight and cure depression without any side effects.
  • Reduce the risk of stroke: Another benefit of peanuts is that they reduce the risk of stroke. Research has shown that resveratrol in peanuts greatly reduces the risk of stroke by altering molecular mechanisms in blood vessels. In addition, it increases blood pressure and dilates blood vessels by increasing the production of the hormone nitric oxide.
  • Skin cleaning: Skin problems are one of the problems that most people, especially women, face. As you know, peanuts have antioxidant properties and are therefore very good for the skin. Using almonds in the form of peanut butter or its oil can rejuvenate and rejuvenate the skin and eliminate the need for you to buy various skin and chemical drugs.
  • Weight loss and fitness: Fitness and weight loss is one of the main concerns of today’s society and many people suffer from obesity due to poor diet. Now if you have to spend a lot of money to lose weight, it is better to include peanuts in your diet. Research has shown that women who eat peanuts twice a week are less likely to gain weight and become obese than other people. So to reach your ideal weight, be sure to try this solution and be amazed by its extraordinary result.

How Much Salted Peanuts Can You Eat Per Day?

How Much Salted Peanuts Can You Eat Per Day? As you know, peanuts have many properties that are suitable and useful for many people. Eating 30 peanuts a day is enough for each person. The fatty acids in peanuts lower blood fats. The polyphenols in peanuts prevent various diseases such as heart disease and heart attack. If you are looking for a good way to gain weight and gain weight, we suggest that you eat peanuts or peanut butter twice a week. Peanuts are a very rich source of fiber, which reduces the risk of overweight and obesity in people.

You can eat 30g of peanuts during the week, which helps to cure gallbladder diseases. Peanuts are useful for preventing various diseases. Peanuts are an excellent source of L-arginine, which helps treat erectile dysfunction. Peanuts are effective in boosting male sexual function. Peanuts contain various antioxidants such as polyphenols that reduce stomach cancer. Piumaric acid reduces the production of carcinogenic nitrosamine in the body and this is effective in preventing stomach cancer. salted peanuts calories produce the energy people need.

Which Is Healthier Roasted Or Salted Dry Peanuts?

Which Is Healthier Roasted Or Salted Dry Peanuts? Is roasted peanuts better or dried peanuts? This is a question that has occupied the minds of most people. In the past, peanuts were used only raw. But gradually sugar and salt entered the peanut industry. And delicious peanuts, both salty and sweet, are available in the market these days. Tasting peanuts makes them more customer friendly. You know that most people who like peanuts are delicious. And these delicious foods are becoming more and more popular, but still most doctors recommend that you eat peanuts dry. Because dried peanuts are healthier. If your heart is full of salty and sweet peanuts and you can not limit yourself to eating dried peanuts. The point to note is that peanuts are very different in the amount of salt they consume and also the amount of roasting, and these very small points can greatly affect their taste.

Domestic Production Of Salted Peanuts

Domestic Production Of Salted Peanuts The production of salted peanuts in shell has been done in the north of the country for many years. One of the largest producers of salted and roasted peanuts in Iran is our company, which with an annual production of more than twenty types of peanuts is able to supply the peanuts you want in bulk. By producing salted peanuts in different types and also with suitable qualities in the country in bulk, we can meet the needs of our customers to prepare a quality peanut.

If you want to buy a quality and first class peanut at reasonable prices, just contact us to get the best almonds at very reasonable prices for you. You do not need to buy a salty peanut. You must travel to the north of the country and you can contact us from anywhere in the country and prepare your desired peanut.

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