Organic Hazelnut Seller

Hazelnuts are one of the sweet and wonderful nuts, which contain a variety of vitamins, minerals, proteins, fiber and healthy fats. Organic hazelnut are sold in bulk and in part in most cities in Iran. Given that major transactions are usually in favor of both the buyer and the producer, in this way the buyer can get the hazelnuts he needs at a cheaper price and the producer can achieve his ideal profit. There are many ways to buy and sell hazelnuts in bulk and in part in the country.

organic hazelnut seller

hazelnuts nutrition data

hazelnuts nutrition data Hazelnuts contain vitamins C and E and are rich in calcium, magnesium and manganese. Hazelnuts contain large amounts of manganese, manganese will be useful for improving bone density and also fights many diseases such as osteoporosis. Hazelnut with skin and makes the skin beautiful, attractive and delicate and gives it an attractive appearance.

In this way, it can be said that hazelnuts as a food have many health properties for humans. In addition, hazelnuts contain large amounts of vitamin B6, folate, phosphorus, potassium and zinc. Other properties of hazelnuts include monounsaturated fats and polyunsaturated fats, omega-6 and omega-9 fatty acids such as oleic acid. Each ounce of hazelnut is equivalent to 28g and produces 11.2g of fiber, which has 11% RDI. Of course, hazelnuts also contain phytic acid. This substance prevents the absorption of minerals such as iron and zinc.

hazelnuts nutrition facts 100g

hazelnuts nutrition facts 100g The calories of hazelnuts in the bleached state are 629 kcal and in the natural state 628 kcal and in the dry and roasted state without added salt is 646 kcal per 100 g. Calorie energy 628 kcal, carbohydrates 16.70g, protein 14.95g, fat 60.75g, water 5.31g, fiber 9.70 g, sugar 4.34g, cholesterol 0 mg. Hazelnuts contain magnesium. Magnesium plays an important role in maintaining proper levels of calcium in the body and body cells. Therefore, it helps in muscle contraction and also prevents excessive pressure on the muscles. This effect reduces muscle tension and prevents muscle fatigue, spasms, cramps and pain. Studies also show that the right dose of magnesium can help strengthen muscles, and the right amount of magnesium can improve your bone health.

The amount of B vitamins, especially B1, B6, B9 in hazelnuts is high and these vitamins are essential for the function and health of the brain and blood. 100g of hazelnuts meet the body’s daily requirement of vitamin E and prevent cardiovascular disease and cancer. Consumption of hazelnuts is very useful for maintaining human health due to having high amounts of various vitamins and minerals.

hazelnut price per pound

hazelnut price per pound The price of hazelnuts varies according to the type of hazelnut, the percentage of nuts, quality, customer satisfaction and market needs, but in this reputable site, the sale is very reasonable. The top seller of cheap Iranian hazelnuts offers this product with unique and excellent quality for direct sale. These hazelnuts are very tasty and full of nuts. These products have a very reasonable price and their quality is confirmed. The seller of this product has considered conditions to deliver his product to customers at a cheaper and more appropriate price than the market level. These hazelnuts are of the highest quality and are very tasty and delicious. The daily price of fresh hazelnuts is determined according to its quality.

The top seller of cheap Iranian hazelnuts 800g and hazelnuts 1 kg offers this product with unique and excellent quality for sale directly. These hazelnuts are very tasty and full of nuts. The internal kernels of these hazelnuts are perfectly healthy and some of them have several kernels. One of the properties of hazelnuts is having omega-1 oils, which are especially important for pregnant and lactating mothers. It is possible to buy fresh hazelnuts from the supply centers of this product.

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