Exportation of Peanut in Shell

Peanut is one of the cheapest products in Iran and we can produce plenty of it, so it is a very good choice to export. Exportation of peanut in shell is good idea. Because conveying peanuts on this way helps them to remain healthier and can keep the qualities they have. Packing peanuts in shell does not need too much care. Also the customers can use them anyway they like. For sake of good taste the peanut has,a lot of customers have been attracted to it. So it could have a very good benefit to export peanuts.

exportation of peanut in shell

100g peanuts calories

100g peanuts calories

Peanuts have a lot of nutrients and calories and they are very oily. Actually 100g peanuts contain 567 calories. Most of these calories have emanated from the fats of it. In any 100g peanuts 49.2g meaning 44 to 56 percent are fats. By this knowledge people imagine having peanuts leads to gain weight and makes them fat. But it is not on this way. Actually peanuts make you feel fullness for a longer time, so you can not eat more things. In fact not only peanuts do not make you fat but also they can help you lose weight. This amount of calories can be useful because peanuts contain useful fats and can provide your needful calories for a while but you need to be careful how long do you use it. Using 3 to 4 peanuts each day is good and can not hurt you and ofcourse it is depend on you and your body.

salted peanuts colories

salted peanuts colories

Salted peanuts during the process of decrepitation place on straight heat and are cooked and dried without water and oil. The contained product calories is 585 for any 100g. If peanuts be cooked in water and salt, the calories will be reduced and can be about 318 calories for each 100g. Actually salted peanuts contained by decrepitation have more calories than raw peanuts because while doing this process,peanuts lose alittle weight but amount of calories does not change. So when you pick up 100g of salted peanuts the calories are more than 100g of raw peanuts but the difference is not too much. So you can provide salted peanuts and eat them. Actually the benefits of peanuts are very much and for those who can not eat raw peanuts, the salted ones suggested. More calories is not certainly lead to gaining weight or at least it is different about peanuts.Of course provided that you eat enough not so much. You can eat peanuts 30g for each weak, this amount of peanuts does not have any harm and danger for you and is useful for many problems and diseases.

Salted peanuts are a really good choice for children instead of some harmful goody and the extra calories are useful for them.

peanuts manufacturers

peanuts manufacturers

Peanuts are very useful nuts and also popular in all over the world. These products are produced in many countries and also in Iran but there are some different between them. Manufacturers often try to create a high quality product and present to the customers in different ways. They mostly offer their products in wholesales which is a good way to get benefits for both manufacturers and customers. The customers can refer to manufacturers and buy their needful products straight namely without a middleman.

Different kinds of peanuts existed and manufacturers sells their products with different prices by considering the kind and prices fluctuations.

Peanuts manufacturers concentrate on this job because peanuts are very useful and suggested to all kinds of human beings. So many people are attracted to buy and use it. On the hole it can provide a good benefit for producer’s. So for raising the benefit the producers concentrate on premium quality peanuts to offer a perfect product to the customers. To achieve this goal they try to do their best and keep the customers satisfied.

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